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Optimal design of planar shapes with active materials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 478:20220256.
2022. Transient shape morphing of active gel plates: Geometry and physics. Soft Matter. 18(31):5867-5876.
2022. On polymer network rupture in gels in the limit of very slow straining or a very slow crack propagation rate. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 136:103754.
2020. A theoretical study on the transient morphing of linear poroelastic plates. Journal of Applied Mechanics. In press
2020. .
Concurrent factors determine toughening in the hydraulic fracture of poroelastic composites. Meccanica. 52:3489-3498.
2017. Dye-enhanced visualization of rat whiskers for behavioral studies. eLife. 6:e25290
2017. Large-strain poroelastic plate theory for polymer gels with applications to swelling-induced morphing of composite plates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 115:330-340.
2017. Spontaneous morphing of equibiaxially pre-stretched elastic bilayers: the role of sample geometry. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. In press.
2017. Continuum theory of swelling material surfaces with applications to thermo-responsive gel membranes and surface mass transport. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 89:96-109.
2016. Poroelastic toughening in polymer gels: A theoretical and numerical study. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 94:33-46.
2016. Hydraulic fracture and toughening of a brittle layer bonded to a hydrogel. Physical Review Letters. 115:188105.